How to register for a cookie class or membership subscription?
Spanish and English students are welcome to take my cookie classes online.
They can enjoy cookie decorating classes with Spanish audio and English Subtitles.
Note: English subtitles are made with AI, some words / meanings can be lost in the translations. You can also translate to any language using google translation:
If you are new here in pekascookiesonline, and you do not have one account you need to register.
Please follow these steps, to create your account it is free, and you can get access to freebies, clases and promotions.
A new window will open, scroll down and fill out the required information:
You will need to fill out the required information and once all the information
Email: This is the email you will need each time you log into your account
Username: This is the name that could appear in your digital completion certificate when you complete the class.
Password: Should be at least 15 characters long. Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols and keep it in a place safe and easy to reach.
After all the files are fill click on Register / Registrar
After your successful registration a new window will open with your profile like this:
Now, you have created your account and you are ready to make your first order to buy your first class or maybe you want to order some cookie cutters!
Click on CLASSES
Click on Individuals: If you are looking for the basic classes like cookie dough, royal icing, transfer.
Click on Subscriptions: If you are wanting to get access to 12 new projects each month and get access to more than 500 video tutorials that we have in our cookie library.
If you choose to get the monthly subscription, you will see a page like this. Select the plan that you will like to buy and click START NOW / EMPEZAR HOY
Another window will open, If the information is correct, now we can proceed
A new window will open we fill in all the information.
Once you have paid for you class, you will have an order confirmation by email, please check your spam or junk emails. Remember now you can login in your profile and start learning!!