Hello girls good morning, if you have already bought any of your courses and you don’t know where to see them here I will explain step by step how to enter and where to see them

Step 1. Entrar and at the top right you will see 3 lines there you will click

Step 2. You will be presented with several options, select to log in.

Step 3. They write down the email and password with which they registered and click on login:

Step 4. He will then tell them that they are already inside the class, their name will appear, and after their name will appear 3 lines, as shown below:

Step 5. Once you see those 3 lines and immediately click on their name you will get all this information:

Step 6. Once you click on where it says courses, you will get the courses you have purchased, you will look for the class you want to see by clicking on the pink letters and you will see all the information in the curriculum area without locks. Here you can see the classes you buy as many times as you want. Simple, right?

Step 7 Access the course lessons by clicking on curriculum, at this point everything should be without locks 🙂

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